83 MEC were honored to receive the ISO 14001:2015 certificate
83MEC is one of the leading units in the field of precision mechanical processing in Vietnam. With a commitment to constantly improve product quality and protect the environment, 83MEC has reached the environmental management system standard according to ISO 14001:2015 certification. This is an international certificate issued by an international organization specializing in inspection, certification and training activities related to international standards on environmental management TQC Vietnam.
What is the ISO 14001:2015 certification?
ISO 14001:2015 certification is an international standard for environmental management. This standard is based entirely on voluntary activities to develop the company’s environmental management system. Applying the environmental quality management system in combination with other management tasks has the effect of supporting each other, promoting activities to reduce costs, increasing quality, and enhancing and continuously improving all activities processes, ensuring sustainable production. The purpose of this standard is to help organizations ensure that all their activities will not negatively impact the environment and to help improve their performance in environmental protection. Companies that have achieved ISO 14001:2015 certification have demonstrated their organization’s commitment to environmental protection and sustainable business.
83 MEC were honored to receive the ISO 14001:2015 certificate
Thus, after building and implementing environmental management in business activities, 83MEC has fully met the standards to achieve the ISO 14001:2015 certificate in product design and manufacturing metal and spare parts for industrial equipment to limit pollution and negative impacts on the environment from daily production activities at the enterprise. With the motto of sustainable development, 83MEC always cares about balancing production and business activities and environmental responsibility. Adhering to that motto, 83MEC has taken many measures to minimize the impact of production activities on the environment, build a strict environmental management system, ensure compliance with environmental legal regulations, and reduce gas emissions, waste and water consumption. 83MEC always aims to effectively use resources and optimize costs for the company’s activities. This has been confirmed through the certification of 83MEC ISO 14001:2015 on the environmental management system. This certification shows that 83MEC has fully applied and complied with environmental management requirements and is committed to continuously improving the production process and reducing its environmental impact. This is an essential step in improving product quality and meeting international customers’ requirements for environmental management.
83MEC maintains compliance with ISO 14001:2015 as follows:
Comply with the waste treatment process according to the Law on Environmental Protection.
Continue to maintain the environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015 standard. Ensure strict control of the number of chemicals used, waste chemicals, etc. The waste criteria are as required by law.
Fully equipped labour protection for workshop employees to minimize the risk of employee safety, property loss and damage to the working environment.
Ensure all human resources are clearly aware of the environmental management system, comply with the provisions of the law, prevent environmental pollution and improve environmental protection activities, and ensure labour safety and a hygienic environment in the company and workshop.
The environmental management system at 83MEC certified ISO 14001-2015 is a commendable achievement in managing the company’s production environment. This is a testament to 83MEC’s commitment to environmental protection, meeting safety and environmental protection requirements set forth by regulators and customers. This certification also shows that 83MEC continuously improves its production processes to meet international standards and provide customers with high-quality and environmentally friendly products.